
Natural Aquarium Update: Jan 2, 2005

The two natural aquarium project is going fine. Almost 90% of them are now well-balanced biologically. No motor or pumps, just using plants and natural light. The two species of livebearers I got from Cartimar are doing fine... more than fine - the hi-fin sword tails are breeding and the black swords are also breeding as well. Only one fatality in the other tanks, one of the older long finned fighting fish died.

The giant gouramis are doing fine. Although, I had to separate the two since they are establishing hierarchy within the tank. From my experience I find it practical to separate the two growing anabantoids ; together in one tank they have a tendency to fight and nip each other fins. The loser dies out in the end. In the wild the loser usually leaves the territory in the aquarium this is almost impossible to do. Hence, the fatality often seen in heavily populated aquariums. Although there are situations when stocking more than five diminishes the competition. In some fishes the same thing can be achieved with the addition of rocks distributed evenly through out the tank. Then again it would be prudent just check the books, magazines, on-line sources and more skilled aquarists when it comes to taking care of fish.

One advantage of planted aquariums though is they provide shelter, hiding place, for the fry of the livebearers from their parents or other species that will prey on them.

Problem though arose from the emergence of malaysian aquatic snails, which become a good food source for the Texas Cichlids.

I will probably buy some more livebearers, and anabantoids for the tanks. Although, a couple of weeks ago I did see a couple of nice looking goldfish and dwarf cichlids in the market.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got those Malaysian snails in my tank. For a little while I tried to find a way to get rid of them, but I did a little further research and I found out that they're very good for aquaria - so good in fact that some aquarists recommend having some in an aquarium. They aerate the substrate when they dig and eat debris, which helps the plants a lot.

Is your cichlid set-up planted?

9:10 PM  
Blogger juned said...

Unless it is over-populated. In terms of shape I liked the ram's horn snail. Might call my friend about some.

For medium and big sized Cichlids, the tanks are mostly set up as your basic rocks landscape with undergravel or a bare tank with corner filters. Unless they are Dwarf cichlids. I have a couple of convict cichlids, jewel cichlid and some kribs in ponds with aquatic plants like Vallineria and Elodea. If time permits I will set-up a planted aquarium with big cichlids. Its not impossible. :)

8:03 AM  

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