
Ramblings: First Aquarium

My first aquarium was an old glass mayonaise jar, the really big ones. In it we placed probably more than fifty pieces of Guppies, freshly catched from the nearby open drainage system that used to line the streets of Cubao. Odd to think that one can find guppies in such an environment, but one does. Our neighbor told me once that even before they were able to get gouramis. At present of course it would probably be futile to think that you can find any fish down there...but you never know.

Needless to say with the number of fish in my "fish bowl" and the practice of overfeeding it with bread in no time at all...the fishes were dead and the water had become milky white. So much for my first aquarium.

A few years later I tried again. This time more prepared we went to the local petshop in Cubao. I think we bought the tank at Bioresearch at Ali Mall. It was an all-glass tank that could hold around 20 gallons. We also bought a undergravel filter, one NSB1 air pump, and one aquarium light unit. Gravel rather sand was also purchased and some fish, Angel fish if I remember correctly.

This time I was more successful in my endeavor and suffering only a few setbacks from time caused by myself. The first setback was due to my unbound enthusiam to feed the fish with fish flakes, result dead fish and dirty tank. The second setback was caused by introducing incompatible types of fish that then proceeded to fight it out to the death, result one dead fish.

After the initial trauma caused by these setbacks and after learning the hard way the dos and don'ts of fishkeeping my little 20 gallon tank survived for years. The aquarium housed livebearers, goldfish, Golden Biyaya and other fishes. Its last inhabitant before my fishkeeping pastime went on hiatus was orange-colored carp with a deformed head. This carp despite its unsymetrical appearance was generally healthy. Except that from time to time it had the habit of swimming around the aquarium and swim vertically up hitting the aquariums glass cover in the process.

The next time I resumed fishkeeping was a year after I had graduated from College and returned home.